Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Break Continues

I finally finished my first waiting cycle and am now on to the last before I can start treatment again. Because of vacation plans, I'm skipping this next month as well. We've been talking about this vacation for over a year and finally planned it. When you're in treatment it's hard to make plans as you have to be at the clinic on certain days that are hard to predict in advance. Once I knew this vacation would prevent another cycle I went back and forth about whether or not I still wanted to go. Getting pregnant is a big priority in life, but at the same time I don't want to miss out on life while I'm waiting. I knew I would regret it if I didn't go, so here I am. Hopefully another month drug-free will be good for my body and I'll be more than ready when it's time to start again.

In the last few weeks I've been going to a chiropractor and also getting acupuncture to help my body be in optimal condition for when I start treatment again. My luteal phase was a lot longer this month which I was happy about. I'm not sure if I can credit that to acupuncture or not, but I'm happy that I'm doing it. It's weird to think that tiny needles stuck all over my body can help my fertility, but it's seemed to have helped others. I've been feeling more positive lately and hopeful for the fall. But in the mean time while I continue to play the waiting game, I plan to enjoy my vacation, reconnecting with friends, seeing a beautiful part of the country, quality time with my husband and thinking about this whole process as little as possible.

1 comment:

  1. i hope your time away is so fun and relaxing! say hi to all the friends you get to spend time with. hopefully i'll make it back that way again someday too. thanks for resending me the link...CO


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